Logo Design


Archaus Design Group

Archaus is an award-winning commercial interior design firm specializing in hospitality, restaurant, and workspace solutions.

The logo is based on the Arch of Titus in Rome. Its design embodies stability and strength. The central keystone in the arch is necessary to support the related structure. This became a design element used in the logo text.

Planet NI

The mission of Planet NI is to empower engineers in developing countries to achieve economic prosperity through access to technology. The logo is meant to represent a connected globe. The continuous line unites the shapes to reflect the connection we have as people working together to benefit the planet.

Phoenix Systems Limited

This software company’s products assist in the collection and analysis of seismic data used in drilling for natural resources.

Feathered Friends

Feathered Friends is a bird sanctuary dedicated to helping injured birds, specifically songbirds, cranes, flamingos, and similar birds, recover from injury. For birds unable to return to the wild, the sanctuary provides a safe place for them to live out their lives.

Zion’s Salon and Day Spa

The client’s interior design theme and brand for Zion’s Salon and Day Spa is angels and cherubs. He wanted a logo that reflected the wings of an angel with gold feathers.

Tourette Syndrome Association

The TSA is a national organization serving patients and families impacted by Tourette Syndrome and tic disorders. The logo represents the calm of the rising sun from a place of discord and the erratic nature of vocal and movement tics.

Austin Bandits

The Austin Bandits were a gay softball league in Austin, Texas. They needed a bold logo to stand out on uniforms and the league banner. The logo’s imagery draws on the iconography of the Texas cowboy bandit. The blue striped bandana was also a fabulous fashion statement for the team.

Surveil IT

Surveil IT is a digital forensics service. It helps clients track hackers and ransomware intruders and assists them in identifying bugs or exploits used to break into computer systems.

34th Street Hair Salon

Located near a major university, 34th Street Salon serves a mostly young clientele. The salon has both female and male clients, so the salon owner wanted a fun and whimsical logo to reflect the clientele.